Asset Finance in Whiteleaf

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Are you looking for specialists in asset finance who have years of experience in the industry? Our expert asset finance company will be able to help you with all your business needs.

When it comes to commercial financing, asset finance in Whiteleaf HP27 9 is often one of the best ways to secure considerable support. Support that may propel your business or brand forward when physical capital is looking fairly low.

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There is a variety of different types of asset financing which may or may not apply to your own given circumstances - which of course means that the best route to take would be to consult with a specialist commercial lender in your local area who will be able to take a closer look with you at the best and most practical solutions that are available.

This is where we come in. Contact us today for free financial advice!

Asset Loans UK

There are a number of things you need to consider before you head straight into asset loans. We aim to cover many of these particular scenarios for you in this guide so you know where you stand before you approach a specialist in your region or surrounding areas.

As we are the financing experts for a number of big-name brands and UK businesses near me, we are in a prime position to help young businesses and experienced firms find their way to solvency through enhanced asset borrowing.

Without further ado, let's take a look at what this type of business finance will entail.

What are the Different Types of Asset Finance?

There are two types of asset finance; secured lending against existing assets and equipment finance.

Before you decide to borrow money or to look too closely at this type of lending, it is a good idea to start considering the different types of asset finance, interest rates connected to them, asset rental costs and which ones may or may not apply to your particular circumstances.

Here are just a few of the main options you may find opening up to you, should you wish to discuss financing with a professional lender:

  • Financial Hire Purchase (aka lease purchase) - a contract hire purchase agreement is a way for a business to purchase a new asset but spread the cost over a period of time by paying regular repayments.

  • Finance Lease (aka capital lease) - an agreement where the provider owns your asset until the lease period is over and then you have the choice to purchase at the end of the lease.

  • Equipment Leasing - very similar to finance leasing, however, when the contract ends, the business can choose to extend the lease, upgrade the item, purchase it or return it to the provider.

  • Operating Leasing - an operating lease is similar to equipment leasing but it is usually for specialist equipment and machinery. This lease can be set over a short or medium term.

  • Contract Hire (vehicle asset finance) - if a business has a fleet of commercial vehicles and wants to expand its fleet, this can be done through vehicle asset financing.

  • Asset Refinance (capital release) - allows a business to access funds and release cash by using the equity value of existing assets. This is great for companies that require a cash injection.

  • Novated Leases - where you agree to share responsibility on a loan with a financier.

  • Chattel Mortgages - a loan where you borrow funds for the purchase of the movable property.

Asset Finance in

With so many different financial services and avenues to pick from - it makes sense to do a little bit of reading and to always consult a nearby financial expert or team who will be able to tailor advice and support to you as and when required.

Asset finance leasing is commonly associated with the purchase of equipment for many businesses or equipment leasing. This is because this funding could help you purchase the much-needed equipment for your business.

This type of finance option might be used by companies who want to grow their business assets but do not have the cash flow or funds available but it can also be used by businesses who prefer to spread the cost over a period of time.

This is because they can spread the cost of a new asset or existing assets over a set amount of time and keep control of their cash flow and working capital.

Why Use Asset Financing?

Asset financing is a popular choice for growing businesses, start-up businesses and small businesses. This is because they tend to be more flexible compared to traditional bank loans.

Asset finance is commonly used as a short-term funding solution and can be to maintain working capital and manage cash flow.

Many companies choose asset financing as a solution to pay employees, grow their business or purchase new assets, which could help them remain competitive, as they have the latest equipment.

Asset-based loans tend to be easier to obtain and also quicker. Asset financing can have lower interest rates, compared to other leasing and funding options.

Asset Finance Solutions

There are a number of asset finance solutions in Whiteleaf HP27 9 available that can give you access to all manner of commercial standards which would otherwise be essential in the initial growth, cash flow and continued running of your business.

If you need help arranging finance, we can help! Simply fill out our enquiry form and we will contact you.

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Consider buildings, commercial vehicles, farm machinery and other business assets - many of which you may not be able to finance the cost of the asset outright without access to considerable capital at your disposal.

Asset Finance in

This is why many limited companies, public limited companies and sole traders choose to spread the cost of assets, as it can help them manage their cash flow.

We would also recommend if you are interested in commercial finance improvements.

In this day and age, coming across enough capital to purchase assets outright is fairly rare - which is why more and more firms, even those who have been trading for some time, are considering financing to help bridge those otherwise difficult gaps.

Does your company need new assets, such as the latest business equipment or a new vehicle? If so, fill out the enquiry form and we will be in touch!

Business Asset Finance UK

If you are considering asset finance in the UK, many businesses and brands look into these funding options for when they need access to a certain amount of money to be able to control vehicles, premises and more.

We will be able to help you with a solid, business finance agreement where you are completely informed at all times about where you stand on ownership, rights and of course payments. We will discuss how payments are made over the agreed period.

"If you need asset finance, we would highly recommend this company!"

Whether you want or need full access to your physical assets or are comfortable to contract hire or finance lease, it is our aim to discuss each and every case in close detail so that you are kept completely up to speed with the entire process from the start to finish.

Why be kept in the dark on asset management? Come and talk to us about this financial product and we will carefully consider all the most practical options with you.

Asset Finance Company

Where do you start when it comes to taking out asset finance? Firstly, look for a local, nearby with a strong reputation for supporting new and experienced businesses alike in reaching their dreams of simple asset management.

It is very important to make sure that the provider or credit broker that you choose to work with our authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and registered on the financial services register.

Asset-based finance is a great way for you to grow and develop your business without having to spend too much of your own capital upfront.

Asset Financing UK

In this day and age, it is rare to have enough capital to pay for assets such as a new vehicle and company cars for business outright - so why not consider spreading the cost a little?

Come and talk to our team and we will be happy to tailor a package to your exact needs and requirements.

Some companies choose asset financing as a short-term solution to start up their business because it is an easier way to increase working capital and can be easier to obtain.

Asset-based lending is available to Ltd's, Public Limited Companies (PLCs), sole traders and some partnerships in the UK. If you are interested, please contact a member of our team.

Asset Finance Calculator

If you are considering this type of finance, accessing an asset finance calculator online is perhaps going to be one of the best ports of call you should take.

You'll have to consider a number of factors before you enter into this type of financing, and to make sure that it is completely applicable to your given situation and needs:

  • How much money will you need to secure assets and grow your firm?

  • Do you need to own your assets, or can you return them?

  • Can you afford the taxation implications that arise from asset-based financing?

  • How long will you need equipment and/or the company's assets?

  • How long will you need to borrow - when can you expect to be on an even keel?

Let us help you answer all of these questions and ascertain whether or not a finance plan is right for you.

Asset Refinancing

You can, of course, take on asset refinancing, too - if you need to gain greater access to tools or capital to grow your business.

With this type of agreement, a business sells a hard asset to a specialist finance company for an agreed lump sum. This is popular for existing companies but also some early-stage companies.

This is just one option you may wish to consider - and once again, we will let you know whether or not we feel it is appropriate to your needs.

If you are looking to find asset finance, get in touch with our team of experts today, we specialise in arranging finance.

How Does Asset Finance Work?

Asset finance works by using a company's existing assets, as security to lend money or take out a loan against what is already owned.

Asset financing involves using a company's balance sheet assets. The business assets could be investments or inventory and this is a way to get working capital for your company and asset finance can help with the business growth plans.

The business finance provider will go through the agreement with you and you will pay a regular amount back to them which will run over the agreed term and these are your fixed payments. The regular payments will tend to be a monthly fee.

Asset Finance in

The repayments will depend on a range of factors, including the cost of the asset and the agreed period.

It is important to look into the small print of the finance agreement and see the full terms as some asset finance lenders might have extra costs regarding accidental damage to hard assets.

The process to obtain asset-based finance for your company will involve a finance provider reviewing your business needs and applicants' circumstances.

Pros and Cons of Asset Financing

Before progressing with an asset finance agreement, it is important to look into the pros and cons. We have listed them below:

The Pros of Asset Financing Include:

  • Smaller or no up-front costs.

  • No lump sum payments.

  • Fixed regular monthly payments which make budgeting easier.

  • More cash flow.

  • Avoids using important capital.

  • The risk of depreciation falls on the asset finance provider.

  • A useful alternative to overdrafts and loans with high-interest rates.

  • No additional security is needed.

The Cons of Asset Finance Include:

  • Failure to meet repayments can result in the loss of equipment and the risk of losing a valuable asset.

  • It isn't a short-term fix, it's a long-term commitment.

  • Damage is not covered under maintenance.

What is Asset Finance?

Asset finance is used by organisations that want to grow their businesses but do not have the funds available. Some companies choose asset financing because they would prefer to spread the costs of high-value items over a period of time (leasing period).

To get asset-based lending approved, companies will need to show their balance sheets, accounts receivable, short-term investments and inventory.

Some providers will offer asset-based lending on anything which has a resale value.

Asset Finance in

UK firms borrowing funds will have to provide the lender with a security interest on the assets.

Here is an example of when asset finance is used:

A company needs more business equipment to meet a surge in demand; however, they don't have enough funds to buy new equipment.

They decide to hire the necessary equipment, using the asset itself as collateral. 

The agreement means the lender will buy the needed equipment and lease it to the company over a set period of time. 

The loan amount is worked out based on the value of the asset. After the loan has been agreed upon, the company will receive the equipment it required to meet its new business demands. 

When the contract comes to an end, the company can buy the business equipment from the loaner at a reduced fee. 

What is an Asset?

An asset is either an object or resource that has value and is valuable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Asset Financing Good for?

Asset financing is suitable for a variety of businesses, including large companies, small to medium-sized enterprises and sole traders.

What are the Benefits of Asset Finance?

Asset-based loans tend to be easier and quicker to obtain than a standard loan or other forms of lending.

Costs can be spread across a period of time which can help maintain cash flow and means you can avoid ownership costs, such as maintenance.

Asset finance can make it easier for companies to raise funds for further finance needs.

Companies can gain a competitive edge over competitors, as they could access the latest equipment and machinery.

There is a range of additional benefits, speak to our team to find out more.

What are the Minimum and Maximum Amounts you can Raise with Asset Finance?

Limits will vary with each provider but most providers will offer from £1,000 up to £10 million.

There are many asset finance companies in the UK, so it is strongly recommended to do your research before choosing the provider.

What is Alternative Business Funding?

There are now many alternative business funding options available, compared to traditional bank loans.

Asset finance is an alternative but popular option for many limited companies and can help with business growth.

Some businesses look into and if you would like to find out more about this, just let us know.

What is a Short-Term Asset Finance?

Short-term asset finance tends to be a short-term loan of less than 12 months.

Can Businesses get Asset Finance for Electric Vehicles?

Yes, electric vehicles can be financed by asset finance companies.

The finance company will review individual circumstances to make sure you are applicable for this type of asset-based finance.

Asset Finance in

Can you get Asset Finance with Bad Credit?

Yes, you can still get asset-based finance with a poor credit rating.

This is because your personal credit rating is not a factor against a high-value asset which your business already owns.

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In need of support from your local, closest available allies in financing and lending?

If you are interested in more information on commercial financing, please contact our trusted advisors and we can work directly with you, to help your business find the best deal.

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Contact us today by filling in our contact form to learn more about capital lease or asset finance in Whiteleaf HP27 9 - and to set up a completely free, no-obligation consultation at your own convenience.

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